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Quiet Earth

Weight Reduction Subliminal MP3


Weight Reduction Subliminal MP3

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Product Description

Format: MP3 Download (change to the CD of this title)
Type: Subliminal
Size: 55MB. Total time: 60 mins

For a Healthier Body

Track 1: Relaxing Music by James Wild with messages (30 mins)

Track 2: Beach Waves with messages (30 mins)

Your Subliminal Messages repeated throughout each track
I love my body / Healthy life / I am attracted to healthy foods / My body is strong / I nurture myself / I exercise daily / I am free / I choose my foods carefully / Walking is fun / I celebrate eating / I move easily and freely / Life is in flow / I am dedicated to reducing weight / I celebrate change / Living foods / I respect my body / I am supple and strong / I love to eat nutritious food / My body is my friend / Letting go / I am always healing my body / I honour the earth...(repeated)

This subliminal recording contains 2 tracks giving you a choice of music or beach waves

"I just wanted to share my success with you having used your Weight Reduction CD. I now for the first time in my life actually feel like I have control over the foods I eat. Without doubt in my mind your CD has given me the inner strength and determination to eat healthy, which I have never had before." Dianne H, email.

"I lost 4kg in 2 weeks and never felt healthier – using my walking machine now whereas before never touched it." J  Unsworth, Rockingham, Australia

"My daughter has played it for one month and has lost much weight – too much I can’t get her to stop playing it. I also played it and have lost weight." J Fitzsimmons, Picola, Australia

Fantastic. I have dropped a little weight and now on my way to feeling healthier. Certainly much happier. Thanks very much for this recording."R Ananda, Singapore

About the Quiet Earth Subliminal Recordings
The efficacy of subliminal recordings is inferred from anecdotal information rather than clear scientific evidence. Therefore the powerful and enduring placebo effect is the likely explanation and agent for the manifested behavioural changes. In this respect subliminal programs can be used with remarkable effectiveness to alter a specific behaviour or pattern of your choice.

We believe Quiet Earth subliminals to be the most powerful available – check out these points:

  • The best and most powerful messages - Because the subconscious understands information exactly as presented, it is important to have simple, direct messages. For example, the message “Everyday in every way I am getting better and better” may be ineffective because it has a future reference. It is better to simply say, “I am experiencing greatness”. The words must be expressed in the moment for them to really effect change.
  • No distracting introduction - There is no verbal introduction so when you play the recording all you hear is the beautiful music or ocean waves giving you your program immediately.
  • Excellent music - The original music by James Wild for track 1 and ocean waves for track 2 are both designed for relaxation enabling you to receive the full benefits.
  • Effectiveness - We have been selling subliminals for over 20 years and have heard countless testimonials as to their remarkable effectiveness.

How to use the Subliminal Recording for maximum effect
The affirmations (messages) become most effective when you are relaxed - so for most people the best time to listen to to the recordings is in the evening or first thing in the morning. Some people use the recordings as a soft backdrop for meditation. However you can play them any time - many find them excellent for background music.

Dedication: If you want to use the subliminal to affect change in a specific area of your life, then it would be optimal to play it for at least 30 minutes every day for 30 days - as a dedication. You may also play the recording continuously through the night while sleeping if you feel it is appropriate (the volume can be kept at an absolute minimum).

The theory: The subliminal messages are recorded ‘behind’ the music and bypass the conscious mind entering directly into the subconscious – your motivating force. Here they affect the changes you desire by reprogramming this part of your mind. Note: you don’t consciously hear the messages; you only hear the music or beach waves.

Need more info? Go here for the subliminal recordings FAQ

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