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Quiet Earth

​The Getting Of Wisdom by Stuart Wilde

Posted by Quiet Earth on


I have never been a religious person. I sort of invented my own spirituality. But once in my late twenties I was fed up not knowing anything so I went into a church in Putney, London, and I prayed fervently to God to make me wise. It was quite a shrewd move for a lad of tender years, as the gods of fame and fortune are inundated by billions of messages each day, but the gods of wisdom have very few dingbats to deal with. So you are more likely to get given wisdom than you are to get fame and easy money, somehow I figured that out quite early in life.

I was more than royally treated and while the wisdom stuff came bit by bit, it did arrive at a steady pace. I kept bumping into exactly the right people and the right time and eventually the Morph descended in March 2001 and my perception rocketed from there.

Through the Morph journey, which was painful and rather scary at times, I came to see that spiritual humility and redemption is the final act of triumph in a human's spiritual journey. As I said last time, no one can absolve you of your sins, nor can they take away your darkness, it is all eternal so you'll have to bite the bullet and accept that.

It made me feel a bit helpless at first, how do I get rid of certain embarrassing blots on my soul? I can't. Eventually I came to see that a human soul is beautiful because of the blots, not because of the perfection of what a person has done and who they have become.

It occurred to me if I could write out a simple manual for how you will redeem yourself I might possibly redeem myself at the same time. There are millions of people out there that live in a purgatory they call “daily life.” If we could unlock the door and set a few free they might trot off and set others free. I'm not saying we can save the world because there are forces here now that have that task well in hand. They don't need us for that.

But they may need us to find the people, as deep in the heart of every nation there are standouts; silent spiritual warriors that are brave enough to make a run for freedom. The problem is they don't know how to get away. They are not on a level playing field, there are many forces stacked against them that they can't see. I soon realized that being able to see is more than bloody vital, it's everything.

Anyway, I was up near the Arctic circle recently looking for the odd Camelot possibility and I took the opportunity of the bleakness and remoteness of that place to say a prayer to the gods of wisdom thanking them for their kindness to me over these many decades, and I thanked the gods of seeing for the all the visions I have received, and then I asked the gods of comprehension to link things together for me so I would not feel quite so lost.


I saw a series of very clear visions that showed me how the lands and the tribes that live there in the ice and snow would finally be liberated from the gangsters that run the joint and the ghouls that hover over every nook and cranny and every mountain peak. I was ecstatically happy for them, it won't be long now, ten years maybe, but that's not long in the history of the Arctic tribes.

The point is, if you want wisdom you'll have to plead for it. If you want redemption, you'll have to work for it. If you want absolution, be generous to humanity, serve them and care for them, then you can eventually absolve yourself. If you want to see, ask. If you want to understand, be patient. It will come overnight when it wants you to understand.

If you want adventure, be adventurous; if you want self-worth, make yourself useful; if you want gratitude, give up on gratitude, you don't need it. You just need to see a bit and then once you can see you'll have to remember to ask for comprehension.

And finally here's a trick not many remember. After you have asked for wisdom and seeing and comprehension, never ask for anything else again, always use your prayers as acts of humility and thanks and offer yourself up for whatever job comes along. When you are not asking and you are offering your services instead a huge whoosh of benevolence comes your way.

This journey is often hard and gruelling but I tell you, nothing is solid, we will walk away one day and take a few scallywags that are milling about with us.

Bye for now Sincerely Stuart Wilde