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Quiet Earth

The Mastery of Money Video


The Mastery of Money Video

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Product Description

Format: MP4 Video download (see note below on downloading this file)
Type: Live Lecture
Author: Stuart Wilde
© 1989. Size: 479MB. Total time: 71 min.

A powerful, practical seminar on mastering money in you life

The great majority of people in Western democracies reach retirement age with little to live on.

Stuart Wilde says that the world is controlled by just a few vested interests. It is hard to accumulate wealth because the market, taxes and regulations are deliberately designed to control the people and keep them down. 

The system spits out just enough cash to keep everyone above the ‘revolutionary level’. But financial freedom for all is not a part of the grand design. 

It takes assertiveness and savvy to push against the controlling interest of the status quo.

In this entertaining video seminar Stuart Wilde Talks about money as energy. It is a vital part of your spiritual quest, for you need money to buy your life’s experiences. 

Once you can see money as energy, there is really no limit to how much wealth you can acquire. Stuart's highly successful metaphysical approach shows you how to get into the flow of easy money. He discusses practical techniques on how to raise your energy quickly. Once you do people will be naturally attracted to what you are. 

When they show up — bill ‘em.

For a sample see Youtube HERE

NOTE ON DOWNLOAD OF YOUR MP4 VIDEO: As this is such a large file, we will not use our usual method of immediate download delivery. We will email you so you can get your file. Thanks for being patient with this - we won't be long.


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